In A Nutshell …
I was born September 21, 1962 in the small village of Silindia, Romania, the sixth of seven children. I was raised for the better part of the first 18 years in the beautiful city of Arad, situated on Romania’s west coast, bordering Hungary. My Mom and Dad were some of the godliest people I knew, who not only talked to me about the Lord, but showed me how to live for Him. Dad was a well known Pentecostal preacher, a man of prayer, an avid student of the Word of God overseeing some 12 churches in and around Arad and wrote many articles for a main Pentecostal Magazine.
I was gloriously saved on the night of 8.24.1978, and received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking with other tongues a short time later, March 1st, 1979. On March 10, 1982 I married my beautiful wife Anette, and a few months later, while she was pregnant with our first child, Damaris, had to leave them behind and migrate to the United States where after two long years, was reunited with both of them. We spent the next 18 years in Chicago, then in 2000 moved to Arizona where we currently reside. We have 4 children, of whom 3 are married, and 9 beautiful grandchildren.
I’ve been an Ordained Minister with World Evangelism Fellowship since 1998, and worked as an Evangelist for the most part since. We have a Radio Ministry in Romania which by the grace of God is just now starting to expand. And of course, plans, great plans concerning our ministry…. For now, we’re doing our best to position ourselves in God’s will, so He can one day bring them to fruition.